* - NEW!
- You think playing the accordion makes you look "hot."
- In high school, you were voted "Most Likely to Date a Kitchen Appliance."
- You own an extensive collection of bunny slippers.
- You take your mom to the prom.
- You alphabetize your sock drawer.
- You look forward to dental appointments.
- Your idea of excitement is counting the number of dimples on a golf ball.
- Not even your mom gives you a good-night kiss.
- If you were a car, you'd be a beige station wagon.
- On a scale of 1-10, you're a -2.
- * You want to hang out with your girlfriend/boyfriend at the comic book store.
- * You wish you had an action figure that looks like your girlfriend/boyfriend.
- * Your idea of Friday night fun is yodeling in a kilt while riding a unicycle.
- * High school football players always beat you up whenever they're angry or they lose.
- You take a coffee break between naps.
- You have a doorman open the refrigerator for you.
- You only chase dead things.
- People can't tell if you're sleeping or dead.
- * You think exercising is yawning, breathing, dunking doughnuts, alarm-clcok smashing, chewing, spider-crushing,
and a quick nap.
- * You have a doorman open the refrigerator for you.
- You have this tremendous urge to graze.
- Waiters bring you the dessert menu first.
- Your new house is a blimp hangar.
- You sweat butter.
- You turn over, it registers on the Richter scale.
- A NASA satellite starts orbiting you.
- Someone tries to climb your north slope.
- You wonder if you still have feet.
- Even your mom starts calling you "Moby."
- Your picture is posted in "all-you-can-eat" restaurants.
- The phone company gives you your own area code.
- Every time you go to the beach, the tide comes in.
- You sit around the house, you actually sit around the house.
- Your cereal bowl comes with a lifeguard.
- Your driver's license says "Picture continued on other side."
- You dance, you make the band skip.
- You have smaller fat people orbiting around you.
- You have to put your belt on with a boomerang.
- You turn around, people throw you a welcome-back party.
- You go to the ocean, the whales start singing "We Are Family."
- You go in a restaurant, you look at the menu and say, "Okay."
- You fall over, you rock yourself to sleep trying to get up again.
- You can't even jump to a conclusion.
- You're rocking, you're not in a rocking chair.
- You have a sweater made for you that says, "Wide Load."
- You set your scale back five pounds. Maybe ten.
- You give birth to another chin.
- Even your toe if overweight.
- You can play connect-the-dots on your liver spots.
- You went to an antique auction... three people bid on you.
- You used to put cream in your coffee; now you put formaldehyde.
- You were married, Elvis Presley was in his mother's stomach.
- You're still growing hair, but only in your nose.
- You sprinkle tenderizer on your applesauce.
- The airport people ask to check your bags, and you're not carrying any.
- Your birth certificate is written in hieroglyphics.
- Your birth certificate expired.
- Your Social Security number is 1.
- You got the first copy of the Ten Commandments.
- Your memory is in black and white.
- You were told to act your age, you almost died.
- You were young, rainbows were black and white.
- You were born, the Dead Sea was just getting sick.
- You lie about your age.
- Your favorite late night show is the 6:00 news.
- One of your past birthday card signature will be worth alot of money.
- Your birthday cake collapsed under the weight of the candles, and it sets off the smoke alarm.
- Turkey buzzards circle you.
- You don't wanna consider aging gracefully.
- Your age is compared to an oak tree.
- On your last birthday, your walker was decorated with streamers.
- People ask you what life was like before fax machines and television.
- You wheeze out your birthday candles.
- You begin to receive "large print" birthday cards.
- * You remember when Baskin-Robbins only had two flavors!
- * You knew Bigfoot when he wore booties!
- You were little, your mom used to tie a pork chop around your neck to get the dog to play with
- Your dentist treats you by mail order.
- You're at the beach, cats try to bury you.
- You looked in a mirror and your reflection ran away.
- Your mother used to feed you with a slingshot.
- You turned Medusa to stone.
- You made an onion cry.
- You get in the tub, the water jumps out.
- Your pillow cries at night.
- Your shadow quit.
- You joined an ugly contest, they said "Sorry, no professionals."
- You didn't get hit with the ugly stick, you got hit with the whole tree!
- Someone has to dig for your IQ.
- You sell your car for gas money.
- The school employees had to burn your school down to get you out of third grade.
- Someone asked you if you wanted to play one on one, you say, "Okay, but what are the teams?"
- You tried to steal a free sample.
- You put a ruler in your bed to see how long you sleep.
- You thought a "quarterback" was a refund.
- You sit on the TV and watch the couch.
- You throw a rock at the ground and miss.
- Someone tells you Christmas is just around the corner and you go looking for it.
- You took a spoon to the Super Bowl.
- You once tried to raise your IQ by standing on a chair.
- It took you three years to learn how to breathe.
- * You don't know the law of gravity.
- * You failed all your classes, even Recess and Lunch!
- * Space aliens landed on Earth, they'd report no intelligent ilfe on the planet.
- * You've got the IQ of a turnip.
- * You consider a career as a crash dummy.